Alright, boys, settle down.
I'm going to relate a story that up till now I've kept pretty quiet about.
First let me just say that this happened to me and a friend over Labor Day. We're both experienced travelers and while we aren't proud of that evening we knew what we were doing (somewhat).
That said, here are the highlights.
We went to Tango India.
We got the CRT discount.
We both had 1 woman each on our laps (and in the airplane) for about 3 1/2 hours.
They were A LOT OF FUN. I mean A LOT of fun (nastiest little spinner I've ever met).
When we got ready to leave (we had to, the place was closing).
I went over the drink and dance tickets myself. 9 drinks each for the girls and 8 private dances (each) in the airplane.
The tab was A LOT! but as we kept track of the drinks and dances (more or less) we were pretty sure it was correct, or at least within 1 drink and 1 dance each.
Needless to say we didn't have enough cash and our credit cards were locked up in our safes at the Prez.
We convinced the head waiter to let his bouncer accompany us in a taxi to an ATM. Of course when we got to the ATM we get "System Network is Down". We went to another ATM. Same thing.
The bouncer called the club after we told him we had money back at the hotel.
We went back to the club as they wanted one of us to stay there as collateral. We explained to them that our money was in separate safes so we both had to go.
They agreed that the same taxi and bouncer would take us to the Prez.
As if this wasn't getting surreal enough, the taxi driver backs into another taxi as he's attempting to pull out of his parking space with us in the back seat.
He and the bouncer get out and talk to the other taxi driver as we sit in the back seat laughing like high school K*ds (we're both early 50s).
So we get to the Prez in 15 minutes (not much traffic at 4:45AM).
The bouncer went with me to my room (there is no problem taking GUYS to your room) as my buddy went to his room to get his cash.
We paid the bouncer and had to throw in an extra $20 for the taxi.
Did we get ripped-off? Not really. Did we have fun? Definitely.
Would we do it again? Not to that degree, but we did have a good time, some laughs and some memories to talk about.
Did I mention the girl riding me for 3 1/2 hours said to me in the airplane, "Tu permission I masmassageplanetate?"
Of course I replied, "Claro".
She then said, "Tu hand". So naturally I reached around to work her from behind as she ground herself on my hard dick.
She then said, "Two hands".
I worked her until she came and left a big, wet spot all over the front of my slacks (good thing they were dark).
And that was just part of the fun.
I forgot to mention that we got our drinks for free........we had 2 each!