Stayed there a couple of years ago on my way in. Arrived late night. I was asked upon check in if I wanted a massage in my room. Cant remember exactly but the girl was attractive and gave a me a HE.
I am sure if they don't offer you can call the spa and request a massage and get similar results.
But in all honesty, if you are looking for action, get a hotel near manhattans and the other bars. It only takes a half hour or so and is a cheap taxi from the airport. Ramada Padong is not really near anything within walking distance from what I remember.
That is what I do not when I arrive and leave Shanghai, stay in the city. More options, more action and more fun. Simple cab ride to the airport when you leave or arrive.
Obviously this may be tough with your plans. But, if you can leave your luggage somewhere, there is time to hit a massage parlor instead that are discussed here.
Next time stay a couple of nights.