Levi Baroldy
Name: Levi Baroldy.
Age: 40.
Business name: Healing Massage In Surprise, 15331 W. Bell Road, Suite 304, Surprise; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-Friday, call or text 480 826 4554; book online at HealingMassageInSurprise.com.
Town/neighborhood: Surprise.
Personal background highlights: My family and I moved to Arizona three years ago from Maple Valley, Washington. We have four children, two boys and two girls. I love spending time with my family. We love water sports and enjoy visiting San Diego as often as possible.
Professional background highlights: I have been a massage therapist for 11 years. I have studied extensively in kinesiology and clinical massage therapy. I ran my own massage practice in Washington for five years.
What I do: My philosophy is that the body has a position of neutral. All muscles need to be placed in neutral for someone to feel balanced. Achieving that balance is what brings about peace and harmony. I use different techniques to bring my clients structure and muscles into a neutral relaxed state. That way they can have a fresh start to face whatever life may throw at them.
What I like most about doing business here: I enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of Surprise. The people are very active minded and desire to continue to move and operate freely as they go about living life to the fullest.
Changes I’d like to see in this area: I’d like to help in that freedom of activity and movement that I mentioned above. People wish to enjoy life and I wish to help them do just that.
What am I promoting: Healing Massage In Surprise.
What I’m excited about and why: I’m excited for the opportunity to work with many different people. I really enjoy the happiness that I can bring to an individual who may not have been able to move as freely as they wish.
Favorite community cause and why: Service work for the elderly.
When and why I started my business/employment here: I live in the Surprise area and want to become an integrated part of life here.
Where I was before and why I left: Maple Valley, Washington was a beautiful place to live. My family and I lived there for 14 years. The rain and clouds became too much. We wanted to move to some sunshine.
My family: My beautiful, amazing wife and four wonderful children.
My interests and hobbies: I enjoy anything outdoors. I enjoy kayaking, boating, traveling, the ocean, snorkeling, singing, laughing, living life to its fullest.
People who inspire me (and how): I often think about a quote by Nelson Mandela. He said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are weak. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” I believe people get comfortable with “darkness” in their life. Pain, limitations, sadness, all just become a way that people get stuck living. They seem to be afraid of putting forth the effort to walk towards the light. I just like to be an instrument in helping them take that first step.
My guiding philosophy: My purpose is to free people from their burdens and worries and give them health and strength.
My advice to today’s youth: Disconnect from the chaos, become grounded and present. Life is a gift, enjoy it!