Date: 11/03/2010
Provider: CIndy
Phone: (210) 822-2228
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
City: san antonio
State: Texas
Address: austin hwy and rittiman
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: fbm, lt++
Session Length: 1hr
Fee: .6 +.6
Hair Length and Color: Dark Brown, passed shoulders
Age: 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Smooth skin, B-cups, no visible tats, no clothes were removed so unable to give good visual landmarks. breasts soft and all natural
Recommendation: Yes
Provider: CIndy
Phone: (210) 822-2228
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: n/a
City: san antonio
State: Texas
Address: austin hwy and rittiman
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: fbm, lt++
Session Length: 1hr
Fee: .6 +.6
Hair Length and Color: Dark Brown, passed shoulders
Age: 30's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Smooth skin, B-cups, no visible tats, no clothes were removed so unable to give good visual landmarks. breasts soft and all natural
Recommendation: Yes