Title: Coco @ Hawaii
Date: late march
Provider: Coco @ Hawaii
Phone: 214-651-1818
Email Address: none
URL / Website: none
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Downtown dallas... searching the interwebs will give you specifics
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Spa levels 1 through 3
Session Length: 1 hr
Fee: $$
Hair Length and Color: Long black
Age: late 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Asian!
Physical Description: Coco is a little over 5 feet tall with huge bolt-ons that are clearly larger than her natural frame gave her. Despite this, she is amazingly gorgeous! Her skin is softer than the best silk I've ever felt... just an amazingly beautiful woman.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: late march
Provider: Coco @ Hawaii
Phone: 214-651-1818
Email Address: none
URL / Website: none
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: Downtown dallas... searching the interwebs will give you specifics
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Spa levels 1 through 3
Session Length: 1 hr
Fee: $$
Hair Length and Color: Long black
Age: late 20's
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Asian!
Physical Description: Coco is a little over 5 feet tall with huge bolt-ons that are clearly larger than her natural frame gave her. Despite this, she is amazingly gorgeous! Her skin is softer than the best silk I've ever felt... just an amazingly beautiful woman.
Recommendation: Yes