Date: 7/9/2010
Provider: LiLi
Phone: (210) 822-2228
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Austin Highway @ Rittiman
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Full body, LT++
Session Length: 30 min.
Fee: 40+80
Hair Length and Color: Long black hair down to middle of her back
Age: early 30ish
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Probably around 5'-4", maybe around 115-120, face was okay but body was great. Very atypical body for an asian girl. Nice, round ass with c-cups. Not fat at all but no too thin either.
Recommendation: Yes
Provider: LiLi
Phone: (210) 822-2228
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Austin Highway @ Rittiman
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: Full body, LT++
Session Length: 30 min.
Fee: 40+80
Hair Length and Color: Long black hair down to middle of her back
Age: early 30ish
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Probably around 5'-4", maybe around 115-120, face was okay but body was great. Very atypical body for an asian girl. Nice, round ass with c-cups. Not fat at all but no too thin either.
Recommendation: Yes