Date: 6/10
Provider: Gloria
Phone: 210/541-0283
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Near the airport
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Massage L+
Session Length: Hour
Fee: 60 + .40
Hair Length and Color: Brown past the shoulders.
Age: 30 +
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: About 5'6 thick girl but not BBW. Huge breast...probably D's.
Recommendation: Yes
Provider: Gloria
Phone: 210/541-0283
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: San Antonio
State: Texas
Address: Near the airport
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: Massage L+
Session Length: Hour
Fee: 60 + .40
Hair Length and Color: Brown past the shoulders.
Age: 30 +
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: About 5'6 thick girl but not BBW. Huge breast...probably D's.
Recommendation: Yes