Date: 01/03/2012
Provider: sam
Phone: -
Email Address: - N/A
URL / Website: - N/A
City: - Dallas
State: - Texas
Address: market center
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: ts l1 cbj(my choice)cfs
Session Length: .3
Fee: $.4
Hair Length and Color: shouledr black
Age: late 20
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: not sure if korean.tall with nice c's. flat stomach great legs not much of an ass but im not an ass guy
Recommendation: Yes
Provider: sam
Phone: -
Email Address: - N/A
URL / Website: - N/A
City: - Dallas
State: - Texas
Address: market center
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: ts l1 cbj(my choice)cfs
Session Length: .3
Fee: $.4
Hair Length and Color: shouledr black
Age: late 20
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Nationality: Korean
Physical Description: not sure if korean.tall with nice c's. flat stomach great legs not much of an ass but im not an ass guy
Recommendation: Yes