Title: Taylor Made For Good Lovin'
Date: Late August
Provider: Taylor
Phone: 972-968-0456
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: http://www.southerncomfort2005.com/gallery(c).htm
City: DFW
State: Texas
Address: SCS
Appointment Type: Studio
Activities: Uninhibited GFE+ with PSE tendencies
Session Length: :15
Fee: We only have ONE level of service and it’s the highest and best. Our rates are $200 for the ½ hour (or $160 if you have posted an SC review) and $300 for the hour, all-inclusive (or $260 for one hour if you have posted an SC review).
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length brunette
Age: 3x
Smoking Status: Smoker
Nationality: American Beauty
Physical Description: If you are looking for a well-proportion woman, you should look no further than Taylor. Great thighs, great abs, great breasts (best that science can offer), spectacular ass, and a charming smile.
Recommendation: Yes
Date: Late August
Provider: Taylor
Phone: 972-968-0456
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website: http://www.southerncomfort2005.com/gallery(c).htm
City: DFW
State: Texas
Address: SCS
Appointment Type: Studio
Activities: Uninhibited GFE+ with PSE tendencies
Session Length: :15
Fee: We only have ONE level of service and it’s the highest and best. Our rates are $200 for the ½ hour (or $160 if you have posted an SC review) and $300 for the hour, all-inclusive (or $260 for one hour if you have posted an SC review).
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length brunette
Age: 3x
Smoking Status: Smoker
Nationality: American Beauty
Physical Description: If you are looking for a well-proportion woman, you should look no further than Taylor. Great thighs, great abs, great breasts (best that science can offer), spectacular ass, and a charming smile.
Recommendation: Yes