Date: - april 2011
Provider: - ya ya
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: - rockville
State: - md
Address: - 751 rockville pk
Appointment Type: - massage
Activities: - weak body scrub weak msg he
Session Length[/Br]: - 1/2
Fee: - 80 plus 40
Hair Length and Color: - blk short
Age: - 55 plus
Smoking Status: - non
Ethnic Background: - asian
Physical Description: - ok for old asian lady but bad scars from child bearing. som dr did a number on her pelvis
Recommendation: -yes, sortof
Provider: - ya ya
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: - rockville
State: - md
Address: - 751 rockville pk
Appointment Type: - massage
Activities: - weak body scrub weak msg he
Session Length[/Br]: - 1/2
Fee: - 80 plus 40
Hair Length and Color: - blk short
Age: - 55 plus
Smoking Status: - non
Ethnic Background: - asian
Physical Description: - ok for old asian lady but bad scars from child bearing. som dr did a number on her pelvis
Recommendation: -yes, sortof