Well, the wallet took a real beating tonight. After my session with Margaret at Club 2, I ventured off to Silhouette, my old regular place that I have not been to in quite sometime. Called and based on the mgrs description, decided to book a time with Sandy.
She is average looking in the face, a bit heavy in the body with all natural d cups. She is very nice, very bubbly for those of you who like that. She has a good sense of humour.
Paid 55 at the door for a 45min session, tipped 80 in the room for a bs.
It was a good session, she made it fun and relaxing. She seemed to enjoy herself on the reverse, which is always good.
Overall, a good session that I may repeat. I would recommend for someone who is willing to substitute a bit of physical beauty for personality.
On the way out saw Kate in the hall - will be back to see her for sure. Beautiful girl, auburn hair, glasses - kind of has that sexy secretary / teacher look. Didn't really notice the body - looked about average.
I will report when I see her.
She is average looking in the face, a bit heavy in the body with all natural d cups. She is very nice, very bubbly for those of you who like that. She has a good sense of humour.
Paid 55 at the door for a 45min session, tipped 80 in the room for a bs.
It was a good session, she made it fun and relaxing. She seemed to enjoy herself on the reverse, which is always good.
Overall, a good session that I may repeat. I would recommend for someone who is willing to substitute a bit of physical beauty for personality.
On the way out saw Kate in the hall - will be back to see her for sure. Beautiful girl, auburn hair, glasses - kind of has that sexy secretary / teacher look. Didn't really notice the body - looked about average.
I will report when I see her.