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Kenneth Braun has elected a jury trial; most of his charges aren't eligible for a preliminary hearing and were sent to King's Bench.
Author of the article:
Bre McAdam • Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Publishing date:
Nov 30, 2022 • 3 hours ago • 2 minute read
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Kenneth Braun, 66, was first charged in June 2022 with sexually assaulting a client at his Saskatoon massage business. Police laid additional charges after more women came forward with complaints. Facebook
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A Saskatoon massage therapist accused of sexually assaulting nine clients over 26 years has elected to be tried by a judge and jury at Court of King’s Bench.
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Kenneth Braun, 66, pleaded not guilty to eight counts of sexual assault, one count of sexual assault causing bodily harm and one count of sexual exploitation earlier this month, Crown prosecutor Lana Morelli confirmed.
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Preliminary hearings, held at the provincial court level to determine if a case has sufficient evidence to proceed to trial, are no longer available for sexual assault charges. Bill C-75, passed in September 2019, limits preliminary hearings to charges that carry a maximum sentence of 14 years or longer.
The maximum sentence for sexual assault is 10 years, which is why Braun went directly to the trial stage on every charge except for sexual assault causing bodily harm, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years.
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The incidents are alleged to have happened during massage sessions between 1996 and 2022, when the most recent allegation resulted in Braun’s arrest in June.
A 31-year-old woman told police that Braun sexually assaulted her during a massage appointment on April 3 at his home-based business in the 400 block of Degeer Street in Saskatoon’s East College Park neighbourhood.
After the charge was made public, more complainants made police reports and further sexual assault charges were laid.
Braun was granted bail on July 8 after a hearing in Saskatoon provincial court. He had been in custody since July 5, when he was charged with four additional sexual assault counts, one count of assault causing bodily harm and one count of sexual exploitation — which is laid when an accused person is said to be in a “position of trust or authority towards a young person.”
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He remained out on bail when three more historical sexual assault charges were laid in September.
Under his bail conditions, Braun must live at his Degeer Street home, where he has a curfew from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. for any residence checks.
He cannot leave Saskatchewan, unless with the court’s permission, and had to surrender his passport and any current massage certifications. He also cannot have any contact with his complainants and is not allowed to practice massage therapy.
The Massage Therapist Association of Saskatchewan said Braun has not been an active member of the association since he was suspended in May after a complaint was received.
He has a case management scheduled for May 26, 2023 on the one charge that remains before provincial court.
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Three more charges against Saskatoon massage therapist accused of sexual assault
Saskatoon massage therapist accused of sexually assaulting six clients released on bail
Additional sexual assault charges for Saskatoon massage therapist
Saskatoon massage therapist charged with sexual assault
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