โ Always An Adventure!
After seeing Minel's ad and a small bit of banter on the local mongering forums about her, I was intrigued. I like tall woman. Actually, I like all women, but you don't see too many Mexicanas who are 1.75 meters tall. That's about 5' 9" if is to be trusted. And, of course, as with many of the chicas on, the price was very attractive.
To plumb the depths of, you really need some Spanish skills. You also need to immerse yourself in the culture and realize that this is not La Zona. Gringo clients are the exception, not the rule. For some reason, almost every time I have used (which has not been that often), I have always had some kind of off-beat, quirky adventure. None have been disappointing, mind you. Let's just say that I have always ultimately trekked back across the border with a smile, and also a smirk, on my face.
After some initial e-mail communication and then a successful phone call (all done in Spanish, mind you), Minel and I made an appointment. I was exceedingly proud of myself and lazily day-dreamt of the upcoming afternoon of delight with my tall chica.
Okay, so at the precise hour I make my way to her location near the area known as "5 y 10" east of the center of Tijuana. I knock on the door and two women open the door. I ask for Minel and they feign ignorance about there being any woman named Minel at this location. After I describe her, they realize I am talking about one of their co-workers who is now on a two-hour date at a hotel. I learn the name she is using at this location (which I had already pretty much figured out since the name associated with her e-mail address was not Minel but the same name that the women used). It seems the location is used by several chicas who normally advertise through the local print publications. Minel is one of the more technically-savvy chicas who has just recently figured out how to use the Internet to her advaneforum.xxxe.
At first, I was understandably angered and upset. But I reminded myself that this is mongering, Mexican local style. Different cultures, different customs. As I said, a bombing run is always an adventure. It has never failed to provide an entertaining and intriguing time. So here I am, sitting on the sofa across from the two chicas, debating what to do as they divide their time from looking at me and the telenovela on the small television beside me. Should I wait for Minel? Should I attempt to contact yet another chica from that I have been trying to hook up with, with limited success? She is just a few blocks away. Or should I choose one of the two who are sitting across from me and obviously available for services?
The two chicas are not doing the hard sell, but they have made it known that they would be happy to oblige me, for the same hourly rate of $40. As promised by Minel, they said BBBJ and DATY were on the menu with multiple full-service positions, covered, of course. Although not mentioned, I assumed it would be one-and-done, as is customary with Allow me to describe them. The first was older and appeared battle-hardened. She did have a decent body but she exuded the "only-in-this-for-the-money" vibe. The second was younger and chubbier with a pleasant face. We are talking Ninos Heroes chubby, not obese. But she had that hungry look about her and my monger sense told me the session would be better with her. What's a monger to do?
"Okay, Ladies," I translate into my horrible Spanish, "how about $60 for the both of you? You are both available now, yes?" They appeared dumb-founded. At first, I was not sure if they understood me, but quickly I was able to discern that my Spanish had effectively conveyed the appropriate message. All of a sudden, their conversation becomes much quieter and quicker as they discuss with themselves the implications. Then unexpectedly, the elder calls someone on her phone. At first, I thought she was trying to contact Minel but I was able to understand from her conversation that she was calling someone else to get permission for the transaction. A little bizarre, perhaps, but true. Whoever it was evidently felt it was a sufficient sum and the deal was consummated.
The session was just as I had expected it to be. It started with a half-hearted but pleasing four-handed, 10-minute massage. Then the fun began. As I expected, the younger was far more spirited and lively than the older. The older was competent but clearly just going through the motions. She was the one who asked repeatedly, "ุJa?" meaning, "You finished?" The younger was GFE in the spirit as well as the letter of Comrade Burt's definition. A great time was had by 2/3 of our humble little community and as the saying goes, "Two out of three ain't bad!" We finished a bit ahead of time but clearly I felt I had gotten my money's worth and had experienced yet another circumlocutious, but ultimately successful, adventure.
Oh, yeah, Minel. So what happened to her? According to my cohorts, she arrived as I was washing up in the one-gallon-per-five-hours super-high flow shower. Before I emerged from the shower, she had quickly left for another two-hour stint at a local hotel. She did not even pop her head in the bathroom to say she was sorry. Hmmph! Of all the nerve!
Fellow mongers, if you really want to experience mongering for the Mexican working class, try My hope is that you get to enjoy the culture as well as the sex.
Happy Hunting!
P.S. As if to "ice the cake," so to speak, as of this hour, an attempt to visit renders an "Account Suspended" result in your browser. Gotta' love Mexico!