I lurk. At any rate, I've read several threads of a similar or analagous nature, periodically, in the last few years. People have raised many good reasons on why there are those who don't post. There are two things that I would mention on top of them. Many people who submit to the wisdom of the board end up only seeing well reviewed ladies and find that to post another in a long line of good reviews is simply redundant. Also, and I've never seen this mentioned yet, there is the fact that people have distinctive styles of writing. While the board provides anonymity, ultimately a person writes the way they write. Not to mention handles, but there are two people on this board that I have 'discovered,' whom I know from my everyday life because I recognized their distinctive patterns of writing. I personally would rather not be 'discovered' in the same manner, for reasons all my own. That doesn't mean, though, that I am not appreciative of all those who do post. And besides, I never PM others to ask for information. If I can't find it with the search functions, it's not there for me to know.