It's current "customer situation" is a metaphor for the "current situation" in San Jose specifically and in Costa Rica generally. It mirrors what is going on at the New York Bar and it mirrors what is going on at the Del Rey.
Between the later part of 2006 and present, I have noticed a distinct decline in not only routine "upkeep" of properties, but a significant drop in the amount of "talent" pretty much anywhere.....from the Del Rey even over to the SL. It ain't like it was; the chicas are nowhere near as attractive; the ones who continue to troll have many kilo's too many of body fat and don't look as fine. I believe anyone who is being honest with themself is also reaching this conclusion. Even North Americans "settling" in San Ramon have reached the conclusion they too must add bars, razor wire, shards of glass, etc., etc., etc. in order to be culturually sensitive and adapt to the local architechtural style (It's NOT a "style"....I'm fucckin' with you on that one....but add the jive they have and are....).
Just as Buffalo Springfield noted "Something's happenin' here/What it is ain't exactly clear".
Costa Rica just may be fished out and overpriced: Foodstuffs (from the grocery stores like Auto Mercado and M&M) are distinctly more expensive than in the USA; "service" of all kinds is deteriorating; I sensed a MUCH stronger hustle from any and all my trip in August; and it does bode well for future returns. The USA Ambassador and CR Pres are pissing at each other. The party may be coming to an end....or if nothing else, may be being held in abeyance for quite some time. A recent report noted that Panama had surpassed Costa Rica in it's "liveability"...particularly as a "retirement destination".
What is consistent in CR is the ability to get a hotel room at better prices than in the USA and with reasonably "good" service and such. Thus, if one can simply relax and enjoy the differing sites, sounds, and commerce around one, simply "hanging out"...whatever that is....taking in different foods, blah, blah, blah....and the occassional bird of the night that passes the can be a good time. But it most for sure is NOT a time to buy....anything.....
Clearly, however, there is no abundance of chicas as once there was.....and the vast majority of the one's still plying the trade got kilos for days, or a vocabularly that starts at CIEN and goes up....not down....*shrug*