I was here 4-5 weeks ago, they had vietnamese, chinese and spanish. I prefer Chinese so took one hour. Young lady about 24, 110lbs, long dark hair and pretty with a tight fitting short dress which set the mood.
Massage was more of an oily hand slide but that seems to be normal. Half way thru she was actively exploring my groin area. I flipped and asked for a thai. I helped her out of her skimpy dress and underwear..... always a treat to peel off their clothes and gave her a reverse massage. Lovely small but firm breasts and her erect nipples re-acted well to my touch and she was relaxed while I explored and massaged her upper thighs, for the finish she took control and gave good body-to-body contact before finishing me with an experienced semi-russian. So....
the place is clean... 8/10
masseuse...............9/10 good body and used it well.
finish.......................9/10 experienced and eager to please.
price........................industry standard