I have give surety to one of friend in a chit fund company for Rs.2lakh. But now he is passed away because of heart attack. And now the chit fund as send notice to my home to replace the amount taken by my friend , he as paid only Rs.50000/- and remaining 1.5lakh it as be returned by me.
But now the chit fiance company is telling i need to return that amount which i have not made any use of it. Just in a friendship i had given surety.
Please give some advice / suggestion - not silly comments please because i'm in serious situation now .
And he as got divorce from his wife. I went spoke to his wife, but she refused by saying i'm not responsible to pay the amount.
And he as got divorce from his wife. I went spoke to his wife, but she refused by saying i'm not responsible to pay the amount.
But now the chit fiance company is telling i need to return that amount which i have not made any use of it. Just in a friendship i had given surety.
Please give some advice / suggestion - not silly comments please because i'm in serious situation now .
And he as got divorce from his wife. I went spoke to his wife, but she refused by saying i'm not responsible to pay the amount.
And he as got divorce from his wife. I went spoke to his wife, but she refused by saying i'm not responsible to pay the amount.