I just got back from seeing the infamous Helena at Platinum, despite the negative press she gets for her attitude. You were all right she is bitchy, but I love it. After many years in this hobby I have finally realized that most of my favourite mpas have a little bit of an attitude problem. There is no denying that Helena is gorgeous, but what i liked about her was how real she was. I asked her how her day was going and she said 'pretty shitty it's been a slow day and i'm tired as hell'. At one point I asked her if she had a boyfriend and she responded, 'that's none of your business' then flashed me a sweet smile. I have never been one of those guys who fall for the fake compliments- hey I know i'm ugly, that i'm small all over, that i'm not talented in any depatment, don't lie to me! I also hate the fake "Hi sweetie/ hun/ sexy/gorgeous" that some mpas do. Once upon a time there was a B girl named Simone, Queen of attitude. She only offered T sessions, restrictive at that, but would insist that you pay for the NR. And we all did. She knew that she was hot as hell and that fools like me would pay just to spend time with her. She would roll her eyes, look at herself in the mirror, if I asked her what she was thinking of during the session she would reply 'school or my boyfriend'. When she was happy you knew it, when she was pissed off she would tell you. She came and went and many other 'bitchy mpas' came my way, filling my sessions with sarcasm, complaining, eye rolling and mood swings. I always liked Tarah better on her bad days then when she was over the top sweet. There is April from Allure who I tried to give my phone number to once and she said 'i'm not going to take it because i have no intention of ever calling you', it made me love her more. I once asked Robin from Allure if she did extras and she scrunched up her face, rolled her eyes and said 'not a chance'. Felicity from Star, who I asked if she did outcalls and she laughed hysterically and then said 'ewww, no. Don't ever ask me that again'. These women have all told me off when I tried to cross lines, told me when they were sick/mad/upset/etc, but I like the bitchy women who tell me how it is. Now that's what I call a true GFE.