Known Reviewer
I go through life not caring at all what people think of me.
I don't care what my wife thinks of me.
I don't care what my Mother thinks of me.
And I don't care what my friends or enemies think of me.
Fuck them all, for they don't care about me, quite obviously.
I don't respect those who disrespect me.
There are millions of Communists in this world and they have ZERO respect for anyone else.
So, to show these Communists respect would be stupid beyond belief.
Punk rockers are leading the way in telling the lockdown porn supporters to fuck off.
This is how all freedom loving people have to respond to the Communists.
“Cancel culture can go fuck themselves,” Joseph affirmed, adding that critics of the NYC event “are the same ones who criticized punk rock in the 70s and hardcore in the 80s.”
“And they will all go away soon to live out [their] quiet lives of desperation while we carry on what we’ve been doing for decades,” he added.
“Stay the fuck home, watch CNN and the rest,” Joseph advised his critics. “I never gave a shit what critics said in the 70s and 80s and I still don’t care.”
Toronto Public Health is admitting to everyone that the Covid death numbers are fake, and yet the Communists still demand we stay lockdown, all the while Cancer patients are being refused treatment.
I don't care what my wife thinks of me.
I don't care what my Mother thinks of me.
And I don't care what my friends or enemies think of me.
Fuck them all, for they don't care about me, quite obviously.
I don't respect those who disrespect me.
There are millions of Communists in this world and they have ZERO respect for anyone else.
So, to show these Communists respect would be stupid beyond belief.
Punk rockers are leading the way in telling the lockdown porn supporters to fuck off.
This is how all freedom loving people have to respond to the Communists.

Punk Rocker John Joseph: 'Cancel Culture Can Go F**k Themselves'
John Joseph -- vocalist for the bands Bloodclot and Cro-Mags -- responded to backlash over a large punk show recently held in New York City.

“Cancel culture can go fuck themselves,” Joseph affirmed, adding that critics of the NYC event “are the same ones who criticized punk rock in the 70s and hardcore in the 80s.”
“And they will all go away soon to live out [their] quiet lives of desperation while we carry on what we’ve been doing for decades,” he added.
“Stay the fuck home, watch CNN and the rest,” Joseph advised his critics. “I never gave a shit what critics said in the 70s and 80s and I still don’t care.”
Toronto Public Health is admitting to everyone that the Covid death numbers are fake, and yet the Communists still demand we stay lockdown, all the while Cancer patients are being refused treatment.