Well, all your tips were very useful and the School Fayre went really well for me!
It was supposed to be an outdoor fayre, but as you would probably have expected, it was raining! So the organisers did some last minute reorganisation and the fayre went ahead inside. I ended up in a cloakroom area between two class rooms, so it was a bit noisy but plenty of people passing by and seeing what was on offer. In fact the people who I treated said they were surprised at how quickly and easily they tuned the noise out. I managed to make it quite a nice area and covered up the coats and hooks with some drapes.
I had no idea if there would be much interest, but I did 9 x 15 minute sessions (15 min. treatment plus mini-consultation), and hardly had time to draw breath! I (against some advice here ) charged £5 per session, and people happily paid this, so I handed over £42.20 to the school (I know the maths doesn't add up, but one teacher fancied a go, and only had £2.20 in her purse.............)
There was definitely some interest from people who may well book full treatments in the future. I'm not sure if many people picked up my leaflets and information though, so that would be one to work on for next time.
It was great for the fundraising and I felt good about raising money for my son's school, great for the PR, and great for my experience as I have only recently set up business, and the diversity of heads, hair and muscle build was fantastic for my experience and confidence!
I was on a high when I got home, although a little tense in the back and shoulders - I could have done with an IHM treatment myself afterwards!