10. Guitar Hero - (dontmakeashitjokedontmakeashitjokedontmakeashitjoke) Umm, no comment.

9. Intellivision - Despite the great throwback this cake is, it isn’t particularly well made, A for effort though. I do like how the controller cord is licorice… even if it is black licorice, blech.
The rest after the jump…

8. Galaga Galaxian - Yet another throwback, but this cake in particular ranks a bit higher, despite it being fairly rough in its design, mainly because it’s one of the few cakes to actually show ‘gameplay’. I hear the gameplay makes the cakes taste better…

7. Wiimote - One of the better looking cakes, although, I’m pretty sure the image on the cake is just a printed image on paper placed over the cake, so it loses points for that.

6. NES - If it wasn’t for the disproportioned controller sizes, I’d swear that that was a real NES console. Very well make cake.

5. Katamari - One of the more creative cakes, simply because of its unorthodox shape. Cooking instructions included!

4. Gameboy DS - One of many DS cakes, but I think this one is the most visually pleasing. I do find it odd how Katamari Damacy is on the top screen, considering it only released on Sony consoles.

3. Console Stack - Like true gamer fashion, making a treat of not 1 or 2 consoles, but 4! Treating all equally… wait a minute, there are 2 Microsoft consoles… MS FANGIRL ALERT!

2. Engadget Atari - The full package! Console, controller, and a TV. And look at the antennas, they’re candles! How cute is that! And besides, it’s Engadget, who doesn’t love them.

1. Mario Wedding Cake - This is the quintessential video game cake, ’nuff said. Love or hate Mario, you’ve got to love how well this cake is made, cake connoisseurs rejoice!

9. Intellivision - Despite the great throwback this cake is, it isn’t particularly well made, A for effort though. I do like how the controller cord is licorice… even if it is black licorice, blech.
The rest after the jump…

8. Galaga Galaxian - Yet another throwback, but this cake in particular ranks a bit higher, despite it being fairly rough in its design, mainly because it’s one of the few cakes to actually show ‘gameplay’. I hear the gameplay makes the cakes taste better…

7. Wiimote - One of the better looking cakes, although, I’m pretty sure the image on the cake is just a printed image on paper placed over the cake, so it loses points for that.

6. NES - If it wasn’t for the disproportioned controller sizes, I’d swear that that was a real NES console. Very well make cake.

5. Katamari - One of the more creative cakes, simply because of its unorthodox shape. Cooking instructions included!

4. Gameboy DS - One of many DS cakes, but I think this one is the most visually pleasing. I do find it odd how Katamari Damacy is on the top screen, considering it only released on Sony consoles.

3. Console Stack - Like true gamer fashion, making a treat of not 1 or 2 consoles, but 4! Treating all equally… wait a minute, there are 2 Microsoft consoles… MS FANGIRL ALERT!

2. Engadget Atari - The full package! Console, controller, and a TV. And look at the antennas, they’re candles! How cute is that! And besides, it’s Engadget, who doesn’t love them.

1. Mario Wedding Cake - This is the quintessential video game cake, ’nuff said. Love or hate Mario, you’ve got to love how well this cake is made, cake connoisseurs rejoice!

Source: You NEWB » Blog Archive » Top 10 Gamer Cakes