While I agree with the reason for the hush rule and it's enforcement, I don't see that we can deny HFH's existence or the existence of the MPA's that work there. Ultimately I'd be in favour of the hush rule being more discriminative ( discrimination is not negative in all contexts ). Unfortunately it would be harder to execute effectively that way. I'm just wondering if the thread had been left at the "negative" comments on the MPA with no counteraction if they would have been deleted. Ironically in this case it was the lack of so called illegal activities that was one of the initial comments.
The point is, that the thread was not about one specific MPA and her services. At least in my view. It was about making absolute and unjust personal judgements on MPA's as individuals. My thoughts on this were expanded on in the now missing thread. Fortunately enough for you, I just so happened to have saved one of my posts before submitting as I had to shower and have din dins before finishing the post.
While I agree that an MPA's feelings take somewhat of a priority ( IMO ) the fact remains that every-time a review on any MPA is posted it will no doubt comment to some extent on that MPA on a physical and personal level. Granted there is a difference between an objective perspective and what one may deem as a bias attack, but nonetheless it's a hard line to draw and one that I think better dealt with than buried. What do you think to be more of a deterrent ? The possibility of being presented with one of my long winded posts ( and a backlash of others perspectives ) or deleting every comment judged as a personal attack. ( yeah, that's tongue in cheek, but I'm sure you can read between the lines - just because someone makes a comment others don't agree with doesn't warrant an "attack", but there's nothing wrong with opposing and questioning their viewpoint and motives ) I'll maybe think twice next time as to how I post, becuase putting time and thought into responding rather than "lashing out", only to have it deleted is a waste of time.
The bottom line is this board is about services of MPA's ( at least it's supposed to be ) Addressing the problem and attempting to deal with it is always better in the long run for all concerned, IMO. I think for the most part the issues in that thread were being dealt with. We are all rational adults here and do not hold personal or malicious grudges just because we disagree on certain issues ...
This is not the same as racism, but in essence the controversy is similar. The racist thread is left alone with all personally offencive posts intact, yet this thread gets moved. I don't get it ...
One last thing and without meaning to harp on specific issues in that thread, because for me that aspect is over, at this point. I was about to reply to Figurehead as the thread was being "moved", in regard to his assertion that it were a "gang bang"
Two or three people sharing a similar yet individual opposing perspective does not constitute a gang bang in my books. If I thought it were in fact a gang bang I'd hesitate to enter into it. Generally, I oppose mob mentalities as some could attest to.
Do you really think Rev ( or others for that matter ), need any help expressing his opinion ? If you can't tell, then believe me, he does not, as I had the [mis] fortune of "battling" him once. The thread in which the disagreement ensued was allowed to continue for three days at which point we managed to reach an agreement. After all we are civilised adults for the most part ...
Besides, there is nothing stopping anyone jumping in who empathises or agrees with whom opposes what is, at this point, the general consensus of the majority although differing slightly.