Bill Bullock has Gabys Bar in Playa De Coco.
Here is an A.M.Costa Rica article on the Park.
City's Park Hotel and bar move off into history after 60 years
By the A.M. Costa Rica staff
The Park Hotel was not exactly a national monument, but three generations of expats called it home from time to time.
The hotel at one time was THE place for North Americans and other foreigners to gather for drinks and business meetings. In the 1940s and 1950s, some say it was the ONLY place.
The hotel and bar drifted to the notorious lately, although a number of expats in Costa Rica and many frequent tourists to the rougher side of San José will mourn its passing.
The last operator, Bill Bullock, closed the place down and went west last month after an extended disagreement with the owners.
Owners are trying to sell the property for a use other than as a hotel and bar. The last guests treated the structure harshly, and there is a lot of damage, according to those present at the closing. The building is on Avenida 4 a half block west of Parque Central.
In recent years, the Park Hotel was known for the raunchy Friday evening girlie shows that filled up the narrow bar with expats.
If one were to make a list of spots the tourism institute did not want anyone to see, the Park Hotel would be a sure bet. Still the bar was a magnet for visiting North Americans who were interested in seeing and experiencing the less delicate side of Costa Rican life.
"It is a one of a kind place," said one fan.