Just returned from a two week trip in San Jose. Most evenings I would hit Del Rey and Key Largo. I always dreaded coming and going from the Del Rey because of the rif-raf just outside its doors. There is the ever present glue sniffing street boy hounding you for change, the old wino homeless lady with her hand in your face or the street hustler trying to get you hooked up with dope. You also have the cigar hustlers and the Taxi pimp pushing you into one of their high priced cabs.
One evening as I was walking out of the Del Rey, one hustler bumped into me pretty hard. I put my hand on my pockets to make sure nothing was coming or going from my pockets. I then made a U turn and headed down the street toward the Colonial. In the middle of the sidewalk was a group of 4-5 locals that looked pretty cranked up, laughing and staring at me. I decide to cross the street and head into Monkey Bar. I have to admit, I really got spooked that night. I am not a small guy and can usually handle myself but this was a little too much.
I really wonder why the management of the Del Rey allows all this crap to happen right oustide their doors. With all of the money they make you would think they would have private security right out on the sidewalks looking out for their customers. Or better yet, they could hire some tough guys on the sly and have them break a few legs.
You know this shit would never happen in Las Vegas
One evening as I was walking out of the Del Rey, one hustler bumped into me pretty hard. I put my hand on my pockets to make sure nothing was coming or going from my pockets. I then made a U turn and headed down the street toward the Colonial. In the middle of the sidewalk was a group of 4-5 locals that looked pretty cranked up, laughing and staring at me. I decide to cross the street and head into Monkey Bar. I have to admit, I really got spooked that night. I am not a small guy and can usually handle myself but this was a little too much.
I really wonder why the management of the Del Rey allows all this crap to happen right oustide their doors. With all of the money they make you would think they would have private security right out on the sidewalks looking out for their customers. Or better yet, they could hire some tough guys on the sly and have them break a few legs.
You know this shit would never happen in Las Vegas