This is the truth. I do not know any other SPs in this city, so I don't have the luxury of speaking to other ladies regarding the comportment of a client. Also, I don't know how old guys are, as a rule. If they don't tell me, I don't know. There are other tell tale signs, though. Such as the manner in which their emails are written, their choices of email addresses, or names used on the account, spelling, grammar...all of these things sets a certain tone, and leaves me with an impression of the writer. Sometimes, though, you just can't tell, especially if the messages are nicely written.
Ask oddball, I am VERY perceptive, and adept at extrapolating information from information that I am given. Right, oddball?
If you look, there are often clues to tell you something about the person writing you.
The 22 y.o. virgin who contacted me used a type of online game in his email addy, so I knew he was a gamer, which led me to believe that he was young. The thing is, his messages were polite, respectful and well written. So, I did not write him off simply because I knew he was young.
When you say we have a heightened sense of perception, I think that may be true. If I have a feeling that there is something sketchy, it always turns out to be the case. In addition, it always shows itself during the booking process, but perhaps that is because I trust my gut and question at that point, instead of going ahead with a meet and finding out in person.
As a rule, when I am contacted in a respectful and polite manner, with a straight up inquiry or a straight up request for an appointment, when I arrive in person it is always to a gentleman.
For me, if things are messed up or sketchy in any way during booking it is a huge red flag, and it tells me that it will not get better in person.
Perhaps, in the OPs case, he might need to change his methods. If he isn't contacting SPs that have an age limit clearly set in their ads, then I wonder why he is being refused. If he is contacting SPs with a clearly marked age limit...:slap: