With all this commotion about this lame ass World Youth Day, I thought to myself why not have a day (more like a week) that people can really enjoy.........World Massage Day. Just Imagine the best MPA's from all over the world gathering in Toronto for a week long massage festival.We can see how the girls of California, Stokholm, Helsinki,etc stack up against the likes of Alexis,Paige,Tarah,Cameron,etc. Im sure this would be much much more enjoyable than this World Youth Day. There's a church across the street from my house, where there's 300 kids from Minnesota. I just got back from the Macdonald's close to my house and asked one of the kids how he was enjoying World Youth Day and Toronto you know what his reply was? "It's pretty boring man, we went to see the Pope and now all we do is come to this plaza and tear our hair out from boredom". Poor kid, I was just about ready to drive him over to IT for some extra curricular Youth day activities. So Mel if you're reading this, forget about Youth day and bring in a World Massage Day, I dont know about you guys but I'd much rather see Alexis than the Pope any day of the week.