I've got a good one!!! But this was fun funny:
I was straddling a gent from above as he worked his magic with his lips on my lower lips, leaning my elbows on the wall as I kneeled. Ecstasy rushed through me pretty fiercely, I reached down to grab his hair just as my muscles spasmed - which cause me to slam my forehead into the wall.
From his perspective all he could make out was me yelling "Oh baby!" - BANG - then a timid and embarrassed "Ow!" from me.
Giggling he pulled me down and resumed his position inside of me. I was feeling like a goof ball with him smirking at my expense and started to laugh myself - which apparently set off some nice muscle contractions.
So he then proceeded to keep me laughing while we made love. "That's going in a review - Boys this one's a firecracker, she can really let go. Bring an ice pack and first aid kit." and then just to keep me laughing, as we have our arms and legs tightly wrapped around each other "Two ameobae walk out of the bar: one looks up and says 'Hey, is that a full moon?' the second one days: "I don't know, I don't live around here!"
So now I can't stop giggling - you know that state where once you've started laughing and can't seem to make yourself stop? After commenting on how good my muscle contractions kept feeling he then threw in this one: "Three friends are walking down the street, the fist two guys walk into a bar - the third one ducked." and then I fell apart with nearly hysterical laughter at how absolutely ludicrous this whole thing was.
It's actually one of my favorite sexual memories - I fell for him a little deeper after that night lol