Red-tailed boa constrictor (Steve Slater / CC BY 2.0 via MGN)
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (Circa) — A new age business in upstate New York is offering a unique way to relax, but it is not for the faint of heart.
At the Dreaming Goddess in Poughkeepsie, customers are treated to a snake massage supervised by the Serpentessa, a snake priestess and "inter-species facilitator."
The Serpentessa has four snakes, some longer than six feet, who provide the massage therapy by freely slithering all over the massage subject's body. The snakes can help people with healing, empowerment or to overcome their fear of snakes, the Serpentessa told CBS News.
No one has ever been hurt by one of her boas, but there are no guarantees when dealing with a wild animal, the Serpentessa explained.
This type of relaxation doesn't come cheap. A 75-minute massage starts at $300.
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