Except HFH the most well-known & prestigious Spa, the 40-minutes B.S. Massage has become a joke, the MPA tries to finish the whole process within 30-minutes including final shower for both MPA as well as the client, that means the services are offered just for 25 minutes exactly.
Plus when you visit this known MP the receptionist show's u the room, then ask u to take a quick shower, & the MPA who u have book arrived after 10-minutes, when the massage is over the MPA's just say's good bye in the room only while cleaning the linen.
Whereas at HFH the MPA receives you from their reception, with a big hug, & accompanies u to the room, & the same protocol is maintained when u leave their spa, with a bottle of chilled mineral water + my regular also offers some nice mint choclates. What a difference in services of 2-Well Known Spa's
All the credit goes to Kayla & her MPA's for offering such excellent protocol to their clients, that is why HFH is a superb & A-1 Spa as compared to others. My 2nd, choice is Allure, they are also coming in a big way as far as customer services is concerned, but at the 3rd, well known spa the services are going down maybe due to heavy traffic or reasons best known to them.