And you can bet that they are reading this too.
I would bet it all that there are several members on here who are posting, building up trust, then using to garner information.
It's a draw back to the age of information.
I have said it before, i will say it again, unless the place is using underage girls, or involved in other criminal activities (i do not consider the selling of sex between consenting adults to be criminal) then the cops should just live and let live.
You can BET that if the coppers found ANYTHING other then the selling of sex, such as 1 minor, or drugs, Fantino's fat face would be crowing away all over the media once again. Truth of the matter is - they found nothing other than the obvious.
Yes, i know that the cops who busted the places were not the ones who decided to bust MP's but the decision either came from politicians, or higher up cops. My suspicion is the latter. Of course the cops will dust off the same old tired reasoning, "we have been receiving complaints from area residents"
uh huh, sure you have, but who lives next to alpha care?? No-one, so that one doesn't hold any water.
So to the cops that are reading this board, i say,
"Boy, you really put your life on the line the other night eh? Thanks for spending my tax dollars so wisely"
"Why don't you do something productive with your time and our money and go out and catch some terrorists, or guys who hurt people, or steal from old people, or commit crimes"
Do something to make good.