An affair to remember.. Truly it was and will be an affair that will last this lifetime ! It's etched in part of brain that even Alzheimer's won't erase..
A famous quote from this movie : And all I could say was 'Hello' !
The experience did start that way, but ended with another quote from the same movie 'if you need anything, say, someone to love you, don't hesitate to call me' !!
Probably that sums up the night/ early morning !
Statutory warning :
FR value : 0/ 10
FR usefulness : 0/10
Target audience : for those who aspire to become a millionaire.. Ofcourse, you need to be a billionaire now !!
I am not very great at VFM or managing spend at bars and if Kevin.dz789 bhai admonish TL69 for overspend at Deepika or Baba Palace, if he sees my per song contribution at even places like Saigeet or Sandip, he would probably break a beer bottle and shove it, you know where !
It's a dilemma thing. Considering my visits are rare and far between , do I pay over the odds to get the attention away from regular ones? If I provide the standard rate, will I get repeat performance? It is still a puzzle !!
For someone like that, even I felt, based on first and only experience at one of the star OBs VIP, that it is not something that I would be regular user of, not just from VFM perspective, but overall experience was not something that met the expectations !!
With that background, had another opportunity to visit VIP, courtesy same sponsor, but different OB this time !
Being day 4 and last day of this trip of mongering, George Soros (philanthropist with controversies and scandals behind !!) took great effort to travel and be with James Bond (International mongerer, licence to fuck anyone and one with Golden dick!) and Michael (the eternal sidekick in 80s movies !)
My plan was to visit Bharti and Amit Palace (Sainath) and join the main players at Deepika, spend sometime and then proceed from there. After few hours at Bharti and Amit, unfortunately I had to go to Satra Plaza to meet a friend and his family for dinner. George was bit disappointed but knowing him nothing can stop the dance !! Lost a great opportunity to be at Deepika, Rasna and most importantly at Baywatch, as report goes by, George and James kind of made nearly everyone dance to their tunes !!
If any consolation, had great food and reasonably priced drinks at Vilayati, Satra Plaza. Would recommend for family outing as well.
Called George who was still spreading his benignity at Baywatch and rather than me visiting there as it was expected to close in an hour,.the plan was for all to meet at MH43 by 11.
Reached a bit early and the place was Corona's masks, even 2 cm distancing would be difficult let alone 2 m..Along with Corona, the mongerers were also in delighted state thanks to their instant vaccines dancing in front of them. MH43 looked like yesteryear Heaven6.. Bit bright and crowded for my liking, but hey, as long as the vaccine works, who cares where it is done !! BTW, the vaccines were also demolishing the money towers and castles built at patron tables !
I could not find a single seat so just went down and waited for Mr Soros, came he and voila, center table.. as soon as we settled down, made some comments about money and all and it did not go down very well. Apologies bhai, no intention to hurt or insult.. Reconciliatory kiss (peck on cheek not dfk you dirty buggers), high on beer, all forgotten and back to shortlisting candidates for final 1:1 interviews !!
Bar closed at 12 and we three got escorted to a room (Yes, escorted, as in how black cats surround a z category politician !.. the feeling of VIP is instilled from that point).. we were asked to be very quiet as possibly LE was still in the building. At this time 5 girls came in , 4 already changed to regular clothes, only one in ghaghra choli, hereafter affectionately 'baby' !! Mr S informed us all can be in VIP, but also warned the non baby ones may not be as good a company.. bye bye..
After playing upstairs, downstairs for nearly 30 minutes, finally settled in a comfortable room.
Playlist shared (I think I owe royalty to TL69, the songs were just a lift from his last two posts) , drinks served , mini kumbalrgarh fort built, lights dimmed... It's show time.. Three men and a baby..
The next 4 hrs is just a blur some stage the songs moved from Hindi to Western classical to telugu to bhojpuri to tamil to what not.. While we took rest inbetween, she was non stop.. Her energy, enthusiasm, eagerness, attitude is something that I can still recollect after nearly two weeks.
It maybe the encouragement from S to get us to touch, grab, caress, grope, dance closely or the attitude of the girl itself, inviting and alluring, yet maintaining dignity, the casualness of it , or both, it was best hours of my mongering life . In particular , on Hai rama , with lot of cheerleading from the side , we did some pose straight out of kamasutra ! It was as erotic as it could be for me!
Other than a small break for dinner (or should it be breakfast?), we were dancing away until nearly 5 when I gave up !! The tower was in danger of breach, but still holding up, am sure it would have been by the morning !!
It is definitely a lifetime experience, but would I try on my own? I may, maybe after one more sponsored event !! I invites welcome !!. After that will be ready to sell my kidney for going on my own !
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