Night ended well at Deepa Bar Andheri...
Will post detailed FR tomorrow..
Since failed to get a pub details in time decided to go for DB/OB.
As mentioned earlier you don't get entry over there unless u r know or with known aquitaine.
1. 11:00 pm Entered bar with known aquitaine, it's larg OB set up with empty hall in central and seat towards wall. 12 girls on floor .. Girls quality vis definately good all above 7/10.. 8 to 10 patrons in bar.
Money on table, dance going on. Was enjoying scene.
2. 12:00 pm LE appeared . Music stopped girls rushed to hideouts. They emptied stage but LE was not satisfied . They asked to remove customer and empty the scene. So everyone followed order and we were in narrow gully at backdoor.
3. 12:30 am After LE left patrons were moved to top floor hall (they have 2 halls) . Music, dance, money shower continued. Few new patrons and new girls joined.
4. 2:00 am . Another raid. Girls rushed . Customers also rushed to some hideout within premises for 5 mins. This time was bit worried remembering Shahrukh's son incident. But LE left soon and we were in hall again.
5.: 2:15am Music, dance, money shower continued with same enthusiasm.
6. 3:15am something happened within managemwnt and they stopped music abruptly..girls moved and bar was closed. I guess one of regular patron was overspending that made them stop.
Overall good night, beautiful girls , nice moves and big money.
Definately a high (sp)end OB.