...2me, this = walk-in experience...nobody has girls just sitting around waiting 4me...
...no aptmnt? Somebody gets there 1st... bad luck... it happens...
...& girls don’t show up... or catch a sniffle... can’t call temp agency 4 replacement....
...finally got Asian milf... not fashion model...fantasy=wrecked...
...another guy might b so happy 2 have Cici, but NMCOT....
...walk-in = scratch an itch... not fulfill fantasy... many times, my girl scooped up just b4 arrival... happens 2me, happens 2 Picko Lime...
...next time, me= Make aptmnt... call day b4, or even 1 hr b4... odds improve allot... esp booking more expensv girl... yeah, cool thing, same day almost same hour aptmnt works...
...if still don’t get hot girl, THEN spa 2 blame... but u walk-in , u get what’s on shelf...
...Dr Sex @ La La Wellness (part of VIP) taking aptmnts... if avail, gr8 option... cute girl, amazing service... addictive ...