Discectomy - After the Operation

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Hi am feeling much better now have had some tea but am feeling sorry for myself i want to do something as i feel so irritated not sleeping well which i think is making me down anyway i will stop moaning thats all i feel like i do these days !! ahhh a bath would be heaven that is something i am missing, a bath usually helped my aches and pains ,when is it adviseable to have one they never really said .take care hope everyone is ok claire x x p.s well done on the playstation 3 purchase ali why not you deserve it !!!
Hi Claire,

I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Its hard enough for you as it is,without being ill as well.
It seems to differ from person to person in regards to bathing, i was allowed to bath 2 weeks post op. Ask your GP when you see her on thursday. If your wound has healed well, and you feel able to get in and out safely, she may well say yes.
I am sorry to hear that you are still not sleeping well, but it could be that your body is used to little sleep, as you haven't slept properly in a long while have you?
I was having trouble sleeping, and the GP gave me some sleeping tablets. They weren't heavy duty strong ones, but enough to help establish a decent sleeping pattern. Maybe they might help you in the short term, if you think it might help.
I never normally suggest things like this, as i know too well the perils of being reliant on medications, but it did help and i didn't get hooked on them. Its just a thought.

I hope that you can get some sleep tonight, and that tomorrow, you will be feeling a bit more chipper

P.S....You are welcome to grumble, moan and complain all you like on here, we all understand your situation as we have all been there and understand.....And i have done my fair share of moaning too,still do!!
Lots of love from Ali xxxx

P.PS...I am a big kid when it comes to video games! I am addicted to guitar hero, but i have to stand up for that one!! Roll on the PS3!!!
Hi Ali we are video game mad in this house too if the x-box isnt on its the wii.i have fibromyalgia which has kicked off due to the op one of the side effects of this condition is never going into a deep sleep so i always feel like ive been up all night at the best of times so just feel like im fighting a lost cause .kids have been really playing up this morning my eldest has been in a funny mood taking no notice of anything i have said so santa is flying right by this house on christmas eve !!!!! i think its a mixture of excitement and he does worry about me and sometimes shows it in a bad way .take care hope everyone is ok claire xx
Do you know what Claire, it sounds like an absolute carbon copy of how my daughter was while i was in and out of hospital and when i came home. There is only a year between our two.
It was like she had a new-found hearing problems! I was forever telling her off for the same thing over and over again....i felt like a flipping parrot!!....And got sick of the sound of my own voice!! I felt like telling myself to shut up!!
It was a reaction to everything though, as we both know.
It took a while to re-adjust, she thought i would have to go into hospital any given moment and she was just scared i guess.
Now though, she is settled as i have managed to steer clear of hospitals (apart from physio and my wound check) for a good few weeks now.
Behaviour-wise, I tried a star chart, with rewards, but it SO doesn't work with older kids! It was effective for all of one day!
So i tried something that they do at her school....its like a reward chart, but instead of boring stars, they have this little sticker thing that they move up the chart every time they behave. They have snakes and ladders type things, or suns that get brighter the more higher they go and its a bright golden one when they get to the top!
We made a tree, and it really works, my daughter took a while to get to the top, but she got to the top eventually and she got a new DVD. Obviously, i can't really take her to fun places just yet, so found little rewards worked too. I got her involved in making it too, i drew the tree and she decorated it however she wanted and made her little sticker.
I was exasperated and exhausted by her blatant disobedience, particularly after just having surgery, i could have well done without it, so had to take action!!!! Her behaviour is tons better, by no means perfect (what kid is!!), but is more manageable. I am a single mum, so when my friend eventually left me to fend for myself after about 10 days, it was hard work!!!

I am so sorry to hear you suffer from fibromyalgia as well, you poor thing.
My friend's daughter has recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a few months ago. She has not long ago had a flare-up. She has not long turned 18, so sticks two fingers up at it because she would rather be hitting the town! Oh to be young and resilient again!!!
I relly hope that your flare up will be short lived, and that you start to feel better really soon, Lots of love Ali xxx

We have got a Wii too, its the only thing i will miss about being on sick leave, bumming around playing video games!!
(In between physio exercises of course!!)
Hi Ali its so hard some times i know my kids are well behaved compared to some but when he starts he is hard work and my youngest loves him to bits so if the eldest starts i've got double trouble he copies everything .my youngest has started climbing on to my settee and pulling all the baubles of the christmas tree knowing even how little he is i can't pick him up to get him down ,my mam has took him to the shops for a few hours so i can get some peace !!!! I might try your reward idea again as we have tried a few times and they sometimes work he is football mad at the minute and has put up alot of football posters (they are everywhere!!!)so everytime we have an incident ! i take down some of his posters down and he has to earn them back ,at the minute i've got more of them then he has !!!! He just seems to have this can't be bothered attitude which is doing my head in ,i think alot of it is routine aswell its all to pot at home and with it being the last week at school they are not doing alot and my sons like me take away my normal routine and i rebel !!!This fibromyalgia gets me down alot i havent been able to work (i was a nursery nurse)since 2002 ,so good luck to your daughters friend if she can manage to keep up with a normal life then she should go with it being in control of the awful thing is my best advice take care claire love claire x x
I know exactly what you mean!

I once tried the naughty toy box thing i saw on supernanny, where when the child is naughty, they take away a toy and put it in the box to be earned back for good behaviour. Absolutely didn't work, my daughter was too smart for that! She would go and do something naughty and come to me clutching one of her favourite toys and say 'shall i put this in the naughty box mummy?'....The thing was, she was only 4!!! Too clever for their own good sometimes!!!
As i said, i think star charts in theory are a good idea, but the majority of older kids find them boring.
It is hard though, especially when you can't do anything, as you say, you have your little one tearing around too.
I got so frustrated and angry with my daughter when she misbehaved in the initial recovery period, I felt really awful afterwards though. She and i just layed on the settee and hugged and cried, i was apologising for shouting and her, and she was apologising for being naughty!
I just had to keep telling her that mummy wasn't able to do much, and she had to be a good girl and help....she did, but as i said, i had to KEEP telling her!!
Its good that you have your mum to help, mums are wonderful aren't they!
I am just so sorry that you have all these issues with your back, particularly with the fibromyalgia. I really hope that the pain will settle down very soon, and you can start to get stronger.
Sending lots of hugs to you, from Ali xxx
Hi Claire,

How are you doing today? I hope things are better

Hope the rest of you out there are having as good a day as circumstances allow!

I have nerve pain down my leg again today
It was starting to settle, but i think i overdid it yesterday. I always do that! I think things are getting better so do a bit more, and then the pain comes back!!! D'OH!!!
You will have to try some of that 'guitar hero' therapy you've mentioned Ali.
Why Subi, what a wonderful idea!!!
I just might try that!!!

My PS3 came today, so i am like a kid in a sweet shop with all this video game fun!!!! Wooooo Hooooo!!!!!!!!!!
The excitement has made me feel better about my stupid leg hurting too!!!
Hi everyone am fine today felt much better ,until i had my little one for an hour on my own and he did everything he shouldnt have done which made my back very sore but hopefully a rest might take away the pain, hope everyone's ok claire x x Ali hope the leg pain has settled x
Hi All,

I had my pre-assessment on Tueday, Ive lost 5 Kilo's!!! (in 3 months) Still no date for the op, although they said its definately early Jan! maybe I'll hear today.

Im paying for the long walk I had to do, now I've got pain behind my knees down to my heels in both legs (thats L5-S1, I think! I'm a L4L5 prolapse) so I may have another disk compromise! Super christmas present. I spoke to my Doc, she says its more likely just the effect of sudden exercise following long periods of inactivity, hope she's correct.

Im going to concentrate on my holiday now (apart from the flight) i wonder if auromorph mixes ok with red wine!?

Hope everyone is ok, Ali, how is your leg? not as bad as before the op I hope. Claire, can you walk any distance yet, you are only 1 week post op right?

Take it easy, Al
Hi Alistair hope you are feeling ok and get your op date soon , i had pain going down the backs of my legs and in to my feet also so i agree with your doc prob just a reaction to the exercise ,i live very close to my son 's school it can be walked to in about 2 mins and both today and yesterday i took him to school just walked as slow as a snail!! ,he has his christmas party today and is coming home to get changed so i will be doing a little more walking than i have been .I know i have done a little to much to soon and am suffering abit with pain in the back and wound but no sciatica ,I am amazed at how much i can do (even though i probably should'nt be doing it)and just need to remember to rest more ,i can't believe just this time last week the pain i was in and the results i have achieved from the op is outstanding take care x x P.S Ali how are you today claire x x
Hi all,
Glad to hear everyomes recovery is going fairly well. Alistair I had the pain you mention prior to my surgery whenever I walked a little too far. (altho unfortunately I didn't have the weight loss. I think i've put on a total of 1 stone since I first developed the problems Its a bit of a pain but it will soon come off i'm sure)
Well, I had my 1st physio yesterday & what a difference it makes when they are actually interested. Following my first surgery it was just do this, this & this. Okay now go home & keep it up. Whereas yesterday my assessment took an hour. We talked about my symptoms & he feels there may be other problems to deal with not just the post op pain. He thinks my sciatic nerve is tethered down somewhere & there may be problems with another disc. He says I have a long way to go. However, I left there feeling very positive!! The only thing that really gets me down at the moment is the pain I am still experiencing every time i cough or sneeze I could sit & cry. I have to brace myself ready as it feels as though my legs are about to give way.
Oh well, thats my whinge over. My pressies are wrapped & under the tree, most of the foods in & I have wine nicely chilled.
Ali, I have followed your lead. My children are wii. xbox 360 & playstation mad so I have joined in with guitar hero. I love it!!!!!!!!
Take care all
Tracey x
Hi everyone,

hope all is as well as can be with you all

I am not very well, have dropped the oramorph dose again as directed by the doctor and the withdrawals are more obvious as i am now on practically nothing now (2.5mls twice a day)....Have awfully fidgety legs and feeling a bit low.
That and i have the lurgy too, have almost lost my voice....what a load of rubbish!

I am really nervous too about going back to work as i have been off for so long, i am worried about coping when i go back, I am due back in 11 days.
That, and the fact i am still needing painkillers 4 times a day.

Not having a good day today

Sorry for moaning!!!!!!!!!! I am going now, to feel sorry for myself a bit more!!!
First of all take with you what you think will help. Heat pack a small pillow or anything that you use to feel more at home. The boot of my car is full of stuff i need to make the day better for me. I do not take pain killers any more if i can help it but when i first went back to work i was sore so you may find that you want to take a few more pills than you normal do, if i needed to i would take them to get you through the first few weeks.

I have a good bunch of lads on my watch at work and they help me out as much as i let them, i am a proud person and to be defeated by a bit of equipment makes me mad, saying that if you are finding it hard when you go back to work sometimes its better to swollow your pride and let people help.

Are you going back part time or right back to a full day??? I went back part time and built my hours up, i would do this if i were you so you can get used to just being at work and on your feet.

Anyway when you do go back i hope it all goes well, i am sure you will be fine. Your friends at work will take your mind of your back.


P.S. I still get nerve and leg twitching,i think its all part of the recovery.
Hi Olli,

I work part time already and it has been agreed that i can come back a few hours at a time.
I will use the heat patches i think, i can keep those on.

My workmates are really brilliant too, they are really helpful and have been very supportive, it makes things a lot easier when you work with a good bunch of people doesn't it?

I think i will feel more positive when these withdrawals have worn off.
I am on the lowest dose now, the doc did say that when i get to this bit, that i will feel lousy.
Its been 2 days now, hopefully it won't be much longer. I had been really tempted to take my night dose early, but i was strong and had it at the right time! Thankfully i have sleeping tablets too, they are a great help.

I hope everyone is ok, i need to slope off to bed now....my daughter has broken up for the christmas holidays so really don't need these withdrawals nowwww....noooooo!!!!!!!!!

It is now 9:55pm, and i have decided i have had enough of moping....and had a couple of drinkies...stuff it!!!
Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well Ali. It is amazing how many of us had the additional burden of some sort of lurgy after our ops. We don't need anything further on top of recovering from the op, do we??

I returned to work (pt time) this week. I thought it would be better to go back prior to Christmas as it might be easier to try and ease myself into it. I have been very strict with myself about leaving when my time is up, which is a complete contrast to my previous workaholic nature. Unfortunately I am now realising what a lot of damage I was doing to my back sitting at a chair for 12+ hours at work for days on end... Apparently constant sitting is one of the absolute worst things we can do for our backs. My job has me bound to the desk and the phone and it is hard for me to move around too much during the day. But now I try and stand up and move around for a bit, and even though it feels a bit strange doing some of the exercises in front of my colleagues, I am going to do whatever I can to prevent this happening again. Being back at work has also made me feel like I am returning to some sort of normality.

For you post-oppers, I definitely recommend finding a good physio to assist with recovery. It's good to see how much more movement you can get in a short time, with the right exercises.

Enjoy your weekends everyone. Hope there is a bit of pre Christmas cheer for you all.
Hi All,

Well i feel sore today but its all good as i rescued a dog from a house fire. Poor little thing was under the bed and very scared, I wont tell you what it did when i picked it up.

Oh yes one more thing, had a go on a massage cushion from boots. It was very good on the lower back and got rid of some tightness.

Keep well

Hey all,

Well its day 4 of withdrawals and i think i can say (please no jinxing!) that i am over the worst of it.
I was bent over the toilet for most of yesterday morning and my legs have been permanently fidgeting. They seem more settled today, and i don't feel sicky or fuggy headed.
It was really hard, and i just felt dreadful. I was so tempted to up the oramorph dose again to get rid of the feelings, but i was strong and toughed it out!!!
Problem now is, i have spent the majority of the last 4 days in bed, and things have stiffened up again. Got to get moving again now that i can!!

How are all you guys doing?
Olli, well done for rescuing the dog! Poor little thing. And did you buy the massage cushion? I think i would like to try one of these.

Claire, how are you doing hunny? I hope things are better for you

Melza...How are things with your back now? Have you heard from Southampton in regards to your scan yet?

Tracey-1...How are you my sweet? Got that christmas tipple in your sights? lol!

Alistair...I think you are on holiday now, but i hope you&your missus have or are having a lovely time, and you get yourself some acupuncture!!

And everyone else out there.....I send my very best wishes to you all, and lets have a happy and relatively pain-free new year eh?
Hi everyone have had a bad few days just feeling a little down more than anything everything seems to be doing my head in .I think its because i'm doing to much and then feel like i've been hit my a bus ,i decided while my husband was out with the kids that i would tidy my eldest sons bedroom !!!! and sort out some clothes for the charity bag that needed putting out in the morning i have said i am fine but my god have i done to much and i know my husband means well and only cares about me etc but nagging he would win an oscar for the performance he put on when he found me in my sons room (what are you doing that for ,do you want to end up back in hospital etc)Sorry everyone have just read that back and i sound like a right horrible person i think its just the time of year it is and i normally like to be organised and i am hating the fact that i have to rely on everybody to do things for me .On a nicer note my friend came yesterday and brought a massive box inside was a basket full of chocolates ,bars ,boxes ,dipping pot and so on i have already had quite a bit from it but lost half a stone when i came out of hospital so i thought what the hell lets put it back on .

Ali i hope you are ok and are over the worst it must be awful for you feeling this way hopefully you will start to feel much better soon x

Subi really pleased that your return to work went ok and you are managing well x

Oli well done on the dog resucue x

hope eveyone else is feeling ok as well
take care claire x x
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  14. HolidaySpa:
    Friday at ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒ…๐“—๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ๐“ข๐“น๐“ช๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒด3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต๐Ÿตโ˜Ž๏ธ: LINA & CINDY. LINA is very well known for her great services and her impressive shapely ass. Come and see why! You will be glad you did. CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady with a smile that will melt your heart, & an ass that will fire up your spirit. Her services are among the best!
  15. gold__rose__spa:
    ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿตat 1536 Warden Avenue ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’Friday, ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’‹ Nana,โฃ small in stature, slim and fit. A very pretty girl, does a relaxing treatment and fantastic finish. ๐Ÿต Fifi, a strong, full body girl. ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿ“ณ 647 346-8086๐Ÿ“ณ
  16. SugarLoveSpa:
    Friday at โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’œโŽ๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—š๐—”๐—ฅ ๐—Ÿ๐—ข๐—ฉ๐—˜ ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”โŽ ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜:ANA, ELLA, TIFFANY & TINA. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON โ˜Ž ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฑ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด โ˜Ž ANA is a young, short and sweet lady, 5โ€™1 & 105 Lbs, very tight, with a small to medium booty. Ana is a versatile honey who provides great massage, & can accommodate your needs. ELLA is a lovely Thai sweetheart, 5โ€™1โ€ with C Cups, smooth skin and very pleasing
  17. Red_Pearl_Spa:
    โค๐Ÿ’‹at 4385 Sheppard Avenue east, unit 5๐Ÿ”บ๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹โฃ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ”ด๐Ÿ’‹Friday, ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ’‹ Kelly,๐Ÿ’‹ today for an amazing treatment... 5'5", long light brown hair, at least C, decent English and upbeat, cheerful personality. โฃ โ˜Ž๏ธ 647 352-1588โ˜Ž๏ธ
  18. Annie Spa:
    ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ANNIE SPA๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’ โœ…7-1001 SANDHURST CIRCLEโœ… ๐Ÿ‘ŒSCARBOROUGH ON M1V 1Z6๐Ÿ‘Œ โ˜Ž๏ธ (647) 891-9688โ˜Ž๏ธ โ˜Ž๏ธ (416) 291-8879โ˜Ž๏ธ (FINCH & MCCOWAN) OPEN 9:30am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY ๐Ÿ”ฅโœ…NEW MANAGEMENT๐Ÿ’ฏNEW GIRLS๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”ฅGORGEOUS NEW YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS - TODAYโ€™s ROSTER INCLUDES: ๐Ÿ”ฅ Vicky๐ŸฅฐA new arrival at our branch ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘ฏโ€โ™€๏ธVicky is a very young CBC part time student working for tuition fees and books, this bright young sexy girl is willing to showcase her eagerness to please AND be pleased. Busty 36DD boobs
  19. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    โœจClick on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! โœ… Today๐ŸŒธAlisa๐ŸŒธSelina๐ŸŒธAletta๐ŸŒธNina๐ŸŒธCindy Call us โ˜Ž 905 - 265 - 2158โ˜Ž๏ธ Your ultimate service awaits! โœจ
  20. lotushubspa:
    Hi, Louts๐Ÿ’‹ recommends the best female masseuse to customers today, Anna๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ฏ from China Coco๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ฏ from Taiwan, Yuki๐Ÿ’‹ from South Korea, living at 10737 Yonge St Unit13. Please contact 9052375885โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹ or SMS 4163565876, ๐Ÿ’‹Thank you๐Ÿ’‹ lotushubspa Post #367 Jan 3, 2025 Forum: Toronto Massage Review
  21. Endless Joy Spa:
    โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ[GRAND OPENING]โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ ๐Ÿ’žEndless Joy Spa๐Ÿ’ž ๐ŸŽ‡ (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565๐ŸŽ‡10am-2am, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Slim Sexy Chinese Coco & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Jasmine
  22. JerryWangWw:
    Suko spa every day have 7 different style Masseuse working here please call 905-597-8880 ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
  23. bnwellness_wilson:
    : We have 4 girls are working today, young cute slime Summer and young fun Tina with curve body open mind, sweet EFG Lina and sexy Coco are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  24. New Oriental Health Centre:
    ๐Ÿซฆ Nayla, Coco, Mina & New Girl Sunny are in today ๐Ÿ“žCall ๐Ÿ“ฒ Text: (647) 381-2688 ๐Ÿ’„Nayla is a Tall, Young, Beautiful & Curvy Spanish Girl ๐Ÿ‘ Coco is a Young Sexy Taiwanese girl ๐ŸซฆMina is a young sexy Chinese Hot Girl. ๐Ÿ’‹ Sunny is a Young Hot Korean Girl ~ All Our Girls are Extremely Open-Minded ๐Ÿค— Open 8am til Late Everyday! #26, 10 East Wilmot Street, Richmond Hill.
  25. See You Health Center:
    Candy She is a Vietnamese๏ผŒ Face and body to die for. Her smile will make you melt. Cici Cute Skinny Sexy Vietnamese Girl With Voluptuous Huge C Melons Provides Amazing Service Cherry ๐Ÿ’ From Malaysia Part time School girl Naturally very pretty face, Sexy Skinny Spinner Body โ˜Ž๏ธ416-988-2950
  26. Lulu_Villa_Spa:
    Jessica 155 cm, 90Ibs Pretty Girl with amazing personality and super easy to get along Sasa Sexy Vietnamese Body Type She is very sweet Provides Excellent Customer Service Judy is a gorgeous model type Vietnamese Girl โ˜Ž๏ธ647- 446-0886
  27. Lulu1980:
    Phoenix Blossom Spa ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน3 girls ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ5124 Dundas St W Etobicokeโ˜Ž๏ธ416-817-3366๐Ÿ‘ New girl Cherry (Student)๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜Hot and sexy body, big boobs super body slide, very provocative service๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜, professional super Luna deep tissue massage, has therapeutic effect to loosen bones and relieve muscle pressure and will bring you unexpected service effects, she will bring you a little surprise๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ You are welcome to make an appointment at any time or walk in the back door with plenty of parking
  28. luckywellness:
    Lucky Wellness Center 4379721888 295 Eglinton Ave E,Unit 7,Mississauga Suki and Amanda works
  29. EMSpa_schedule:
    Here's tomorrow's sneak peek: For Friday January 10, 2024, our attendants will be Ada ๐Ÿฅฐ, Opal ๐Ÿค—, Cici ๐Ÿ˜˜, Vicky โค๏ธ and Christina ๐Ÿ”ฅ And our raffle promotion is still on! Call 905-479-6668 to book!
  30. lovefeetspa:
    Love feet spa ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ˜3641 wolfedale road Mississauga we have Vietnam girl and China girls we do relaxing massage deep tissue massage full body massage prostate massage 100% no hurry we girls hand soft body very smooth be make you happy phone โ˜Ž๏ธ 4169890520
  31. Soul Relax Spa:
    โœจ Looking for a relaxing escape? โœ… Meet๐ŸŒธLuna๐ŸŒธRebecca๐ŸŒธHellenCall us today for the best treatment and service experience. Click on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates ! Call now โ˜Ž 289 - 298 - 5662โ˜Ž๏ธ Your ultimate relaxation awaits! โœจ
  32. Shangri-la Spa:
    ๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™€๐Ÿ’–Thursday ๐Ÿ’– Ultimate destination for Asian massages๐ŸŽ‰ Two fab spots: SL Richmond Hill & SL West Oakvilleโœจ Your passport to paradise with 10 enchanting girls fr China, HK, Japan & Korea โ€” , Selena, Coco, Yoyo, Tina, Yui, Cici & Dorisโ€” ready to pamper you๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ Ring us ๐Ÿ“ž647-695-6354 or text ๐Ÿ“ฑ647-578-8169โœจ 160 East Beaver Cr., Unit 12, RichmondHill ๐Ÿ’ฐWhere Eastern charm meets Western comfort - your bliss awaits๐Ÿ™Œ
  33. New spring spa@:
    ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–Sexy hot ๐ŸŒนJapanese ๐ŸŒนSingapore ๐ŸŒนgirls working ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹at Nu spring spa ๐Ÿ‘โ˜Ž๏ธ416-669-8508๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
  34. Golden Sunshine Spa:
    โœจClick on our Username and FOLLOW US for updates and special services ! โœ… Today๐ŸŒธIsabella๐ŸŒธCassy๐ŸŒธSusan๐ŸŒธTina๐ŸŒธTania Call us โ˜Ž 905 - 265 - 2158โ˜Ž๏ธ Your ultimate service awaits! โœจ
  35. Red Rose Spa:
    ๐ŸŒธ We have 13 hot brown girls today ๐ŸŒธ ASHA, NUR, PRIYA, MONIKA, LOLA LOVE MONICA, AMANDA, LUCY, PREETI, ANGELINA, SARIKA ๐ŸŒธ 2588 Birchmount ๐ŸŒธ 2 Invergordon ๐ŸŒธ 647-702-8800 ๐ŸŒธ Please visit for a great erotic massage
  36. hiyamickey:
    7 girls working at Reinella wellness, address:6262 hwy7 , unit #1 Vaughan, โ˜Ž๏ธ๏ผš905-851-4888
  37. Moneylee:
    All season wellness center: Young girl big boobs beautiful face deep massage Bella ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs coco ,young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Tina ,Student big boobs buttocks Vicky, Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Sherry ,๐Ÿ address: #5-30 Rambler dr Brampton ,Ontario L6W 1E2โ˜Ž๏ธ4376655510 ๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…
  38. Sparkling Spa:
    โšก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸSPARKLING SPAโšก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸ โœ…50 Lockridge Ave Unit 8โœ… ๐Ÿ‘ŒMarkham, ON L3R 8X4๐Ÿ‘Œ โ˜Ž๏ธ (905) 604-8186 Spa Land Lineโ˜Ž๏ธ โ˜Ž๏ธ (437) 446-6688 NEW Spa Cell Phoneโ˜Ž๏ธ (West of Warden & 16th Ave) OPEN 10am to 9pm MONDAY to SUNDAY ๐Ÿ”ฅโœ…NEW MANAGEMENT๐Ÿ’ฏNEW GIRLS๐Ÿ”ฅSUPERSTAR SERVICE QUEENS AVAILABLE AT SPARKLING SPA FOR ALL YOUR MASSAGE AND SPECIAL EXTRA NEEDS๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ”ฅSEXY NEW YOUNG GIRLS ALWAYS WORKING - Todayโ€™s Schedule isโ€ฆ๐Ÿ”ฅ Mimi๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜˜A captivating and alluring new massage girl from Korea whose elegance and c
  39. Moneylee:
    Full season wellness center: young girl pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Vivian , pretty face nice figure Thai deep massage Yuki ,Young girl big breasted beautiful buttocks charming temperament big boobs Anjoo ,Young girl Big breasted saucy naughty Ella,Enchanting sexy petite deep massage Mary. 2560 Shepard ave Mississauga unit 1 .โ˜Ž๏ธ4379857899๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿ‘„๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿฆต๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿˆต๏ธ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ‘…
  40. Jennyโ€™s Spa:
  41. Paxton:
    Any Persian Milf out there?
  42. wonderspa:
    ๐ŸŒบWonder spa(9421Jane st unit127)โ˜Ž๏ธ416-5000-800,L6A4H8.ensuit rain shower available ๐Ÿ’„Sunny is very big boost sexy girl ,she can provide very good massage with sensual touch, nice body slide,๐ŸŒนbeautiful girl long hair Mina can Reduce your pain,back walking,hot stone massage ๐ŸŒนnice friendly Lily strong massage open mind,really popular๐Ÿ”ฅmust try
  43. AliceSpa:
    THURSDAY at ๐—”๐—Ÿ๐—œ๐—–๐—˜ ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”.4915 Steeles Ave. E, Scarborough ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿต๐Ÿด-๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿด๐Ÿต๐Ÿด. 3 girls here today at ALICE SPA. Open 10am to 9pm: BEBE (10am to 8pm): is a nice young Korean girl with a natural super busty DD Cup, petite small body, open minded bbby cim cof rim, always cooperative, excellent services. out! KITTY (12pm to 9pm): is a new Korean girl, super busty, small body, new to the business
  44. HollywoodSpa:
    Thursday at ๐ŸŽญ๐—›๐—ข๐—Ÿ๐—Ÿ๐—ฌ๐—ช๐—ข๐—ข๐—— ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”๐ŸŽญ, 4578 Yonge St, Unit 100, North York, ON: CINDY, JENNY & SISI. โ˜Ž416-222-5554โ˜Ž When you visit ๐ŸŽญHollywood Spa๐ŸŽญ, you will be treated with tender care and your visit will be a fulfilling one. Nice Massage, Young Pretty Girls. We have Chinese, Japanese, Korean & other attendants. CINDY is a slim & pretty lady with long dark hair and a pleasing personality. JENNY is slim, attractive
  45. ForeverWarden:
    Thursday at ๐Ÿซฆโค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŸฅโ™พ๏ธ๐“•๐“ž๐“ก๐“”๐“ฅ๐“”๐“ก ๐“ข๐“Ÿ๐“โ™พ๏ธ๐ŸŸฅ๐Ÿ”ดโค๏ธ๐Ÿซฆ๐Ÿซฆ2190 Warden Ave, Unit 201, Scarborough ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿฒ-๐Ÿด๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ-๐Ÿณ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด๐Ÿณ: Cindy, Sophia & Tracy. Cindy is a slim beauty, 5โ€™4โ€, natural C Cups & wonderfully long nipples. Her massage is nice, her bbbj will drive you wild & her cfs finish is a dream come true. Sophia is a sweet & pretty Chinese lady with natural B Cups and an awe-inspiring smooth rounded ass.
  46. HolidaySpa:
    Thursday at ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒ…๐“—๐“ธ๐“ต๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ช๐”‚ ๐“ข๐“น๐“ช๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ˜Ž๐ŸŒด3517 Kennedy Rd, Unit 4, Scarborough โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿญ๐Ÿญ๐Ÿต๐Ÿตโ˜Ž๏ธ: EMMAA, LUCY & CINDY. EMMA is a very beautiful slim Chinese honey with C Cups, beauty face, & nice services to drive you wild. LUCY is a beautiful and slim Asian lady with a happy disposition and great services. CINDY is a slim & incredibly sexy lady with a smile that will melt your heart
  47. SugarLoveSpa:
    Thursday at โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™ ๐Ÿ’œโŽ๐—ฆ๐—จ๐—š๐—”๐—ฅ ๐—Ÿ๐—ข๐—ฉ๐—˜ ๐—ฆ๐—ฃ๐—”โŽ ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’˜: LUCY, TIFFANY & TINA. 1270 Finch Ave W (at Keele St), Unit 18. North York, ON โ˜Ž ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿณ-๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿฑ-๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฒ๐Ÿด๐Ÿด โ˜Ž LUCY is a cute young Vietnamese girl, 5โ€™1โ€, 50Kgs, with a full range of services available. TIFFANY is an amazing slim petite doll with natural 34C melons, slim waist, & a cute little 33โ€ booty. Tiffany has incredible bbbj skills, tastes as sweet as honey
  48. bnwellness_wilson:
    We have 4 girls are working today, young cute Vivian 22โ€™s and young fun Ivy 36DD with big buttocks open mind, pretty EFG Ella and sweet Tina with curve body are providing deep tissue and sensual massage, pls call 416-3985777 book appointment and walk in always welcome, back entrance and parking available. 350 Wilson Ave North York
  49. lotushubspa:
    Spa AD ๐Ÿ’‹Lotus Hub Wellness๐Ÿ’‹ 10737 Yonge St, Unit 13, Richmond Hill, ON (Elgin Mills/Yonge)๏ผŒ 416-356-5876 Good morning, ๐Ÿ’‹ dear customers, today ๐Ÿ’‹ Lotus Spa ๐Ÿ’‹ arranges female masseuses. Different girls work every day. Today there is Lisa.๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’‹ from South Korea, Yuki from China, Mary๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’ฏ from Taiwan. Please call 9052375885โ˜Ž๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹ or 4163565876๐Ÿ’‹ SMS address 10737 Yonge St unit13 lotushubspa Post #366 Jan 2, 2025 Forum
  50. Endless Joy Spa:
    โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ[GRAND OPENING]โœจโœจโœจโœจโœจ ๐Ÿ’žEndless Joy Spa๐Ÿ’ž ๐ŸŽ‡ (155 East Beaver Creek Rd Unit #8, Richmond Hill) 416-731-8565๐ŸŽ‡10am-2am, New First Day Young Slim Sexy Chinese Faye, Slim Petite Chinese Vivi & Slim Sexy Chinese Coco & Young Slim Sexy Chinese Jasmine