Oh, Hai. I do lolz the lolz cats.
Rate gripes are common on review boards, even if unintended, the sp is naturally going to feel either offended or defended, lol. Miss L has been around long enough to know exactly what she is doing, and I am betting it works, and doubtless she does not need anyone's advice about lower prices will make her busier, or whatever comes next.
Her rates, btw, are bang on for US, international traveler, and courtesan anyway, with that 2 hour minimum. There are oodles of clients who want a sophisticated companion who gives them their undivided attention. I can guarantee the courtesan is not going to be watching TV during your visit lol.
And, I just wanted to point out, that the US forums are necessarily vague about rates and services. It isn't that they are just classier, fwiw. (I have seen some extremely lowbrow debates on US forums too lol) Prostitution is illegal there and it is absolutely necessary that these things are not in public view, on websites or any advertising, or the escort is looking for legal trouble. Same with references and screening, to ensure the potential client is not LE. It is also a necessary evil in certain Canadian cities, because there are places licenses are required and those guys like to fine the unlicensed ones.