I think this is one of those situations where you really have to be in it to understand it. It's easy to say that you're confident enough not to let a MPA's or SP's job affect you, but when you're in the situation it's completely different. I had dated a certain half asian SP known well here last year, and it was one of the hardest things to deal with in my life. You work a 9-5 job, and she works a 6-2am job. You never get to see her because of this occupation. The very same occupation puts doubts in your mind about your relationship. Some men can handle this, some can't. I couldn't. I wish anyone the best of luck when trying to work it out with someone involved in the sex trade.
Ironic that after I moved on and found another girlfriend from the US, that I found out she was also a stripper a few years ago.
Ironic that after I moved on and found another girlfriend from the US, that I found out she was also a stripper a few years ago.