I've been away from the hobby for a while, but this thread is fascinating.
My money, has been in the SC part of the scene. In fact, I'm was always looking for a new girl to get me off, for a cost effective price.
The way I see it is dancers, are somewhat, like waitresses, or bartenders.
I love drinking, and enjoying myself at a bar/club. In fact, I've been a regular at many. I am always, a gentleman. Polite, perhaps a bit flirty. HOWEVER, as much as I enjoy the social banter, that goes on at a bar, or SC, we both must remember OUR place. If I decide to tell the bartender, my life story, or how my cat got killed on Bloor St., I trust I will have a empathetic ear, to listen to me.
But quite frankly, I may not care to hear about the Bartenders boyfriend, who is cheating with Mrs Robinson up the road.
I think, if I'm paying, I should lead the the conversation, not the dancer, or MPA.
The point, I think, is that, the fun stuff during a dance, or MP session, must be set by the SP, but the "tone" by the customer.
Somedays, I did think the dancer I met, was simply an easy way to assit me to get off, some days, more flirt, and some days, a better conection.
Poilite, anf friendly, with every body, from the PM to the girl at Tim Hortons.
I'm no better tahn anyone else....but when I'm a paying customer, I think I should be able to set some conditions. N'est pas?