Met Sakina last week in Thane. She was 30 mins late. First impression: short, slim, age might be between 26-31 and very average looking. Has some daag near mouth. In the start she was little reserved but then opened up. Took shower first and started the deed in shower itself.
Did the usual stuff, good kisser, clean. V is ok-ok not too tight. Tried 3-4 positions.
spent good 3 hours.
Vry friendly, not a time watcher, is open to everything and is comfortable in most of positions as slim body. no nakhra.
Understanding nature. (for cim & anal she charges extra, i didn't take that).
Lot of stretch marks & lose stomach.
face is vry average like 4/10, you can feel the difference when you meet first time itself that she is a indie.
Body is also vry average.
Other positive: Can go out for parties, night out, etc. and get involved in grp fun.
Charges 5k for 2 (paid little extra for the good time and attitude as rare to get good service nowadays)
She has a friend who is a moti (fat) for 3sum. No girl on girl.
On seeing some young college couples i was feeling jealous lol . Looking for an above avg indie with good skin and figure in 5k range. DM if you have any.
@rimmer bhai, jai ho