It spreads among board members, not the general public who really don't give a damn or know nothing at all about review sites. That is still an overwhelming majority of clients, imo. Otherwise, she wouldn't be quite so confident and she too would tread on eggshells on a review board, with her very best behaviour.
There is someone here who pops up on other boards that riley.royal joins, to point out all her rr's flaws as well. And yet, rr still has the confidence that she will be as busy tomorrow as she was today, and last month. Because, in the end, this attempt to discredit her, or rile her up (pardon the pun), obviously does not affect her overall business enough to be noticed. If it did, then the one who tries to chase after her to point out her flaws to other members (time after time, board after board) would see the results he is so clearly wishing for.
But, he does not, and will not, because at the end of the day, whether she is here or not, reviewed and discussed or not, it affects only the ones who might see her once, so what if anything will she miss?
One appt --- which is easily given to someone else.
Business minded sps are looking for longer relationships with regular visitors. Whether one reviewer chooses not to see her, or if he does, it affects only one appt. If she ended up seeing a reviewer, she might miss seeing someone with repeat potential. Reviewers do not have repeat potential. Some might repeat, but that is not why you join review boards. You join to increase your chances of success with visiting multiple sps, not to find one specific regular ATF, in general.
And for the spelling police,
I believe you meant to say "She can't write like this" :razz:
In general, the best boards are heavily moderated, to not tolerate bashing, trashing and harassment. The worst ones encourage it, by allowing jerks to post fake reviews or slanderous accusations. It seems, that by allowing DNRs, massageplanet is of the sensible and accomodating view point. This is what encourages sp participation, and sp participation encourages new members to join and that makes an active board. When you allow members to attack sps tho, you affect more than just sp members, but those who enjoy bantering, chatting, and flirting with them. And that encourages members, and advertisers, and more.
There are still a significant number of sps (and agencies) who are going to advertise on review forums, and get a great deal of business from them. But there are more still who do not use them, so I just think it wise to understand that the impact of any review board is really only impacting members, and that is pretty much where it starts and ends, otherwise the members start to think they can do no wrong, and try to get away with crap lol. And the whole thing implodes.
Put in real life, I do not adverise on review forums at all, get no biz from the result of a review (since they are positive) yet am still far busier than any sp I know who uses them and is often reviewed, because they rely so completely on the advertising impact of the boards and ignore all of the other advertising venues, which encourage the repeat regulars rather than the no-repeat reviewer.
I joined a review forum because, in the end, it is the only place where someone who works or plays in this business can talk about this business, and meet like minded individuals, characters and people who care to make a difference. And people who want to learn, either how to be a great provider or how to choose an sp who will be great for them. Where else are you going to meet a group of people who think it is not only "ok" that I do what I do, they think it is pretty awesome that there are sps at all!