I was sure there was a treat back 1 or 2 years ago on her unless it was on another forum.
I saw this ad again in La Presse this week end, and I saw her about 4 years ago. She's a nutcase.
First, at least back then, when you call she just 'rushes down' all the info (sorry I don't find the exact word in english) and don't try to stop her, she will say in a rude way: don't interrupt me and listen till the end. If you ever hang up on her (I did it once, when I called and found out it was her again). She called me back to say 'Trou de Cul! Trou de cul!' (asshole in french)
She receives downtown near Guy and Demaisonneuve if I remember correctly. When I saw her, already I knew I was in trouble. But back then I was to shy to walk out. She was a bit swollen, like she was sick.
She gave me a lame massage. During that massage she talked and bitched about how she was good compare to others and that she was the best in the clinics she worked for. Listening to her you knew right away she wasn't 'all there' (psychologically).
At the end I agreed for a HJ. She took a rubber glove

eek: !!) (she told me it was to avoid catching deseases) and started the work. I dont have to tell you that it was uninspired and that she could't complete it. I just told her to stop. Paid her 20$ and left.
On my way out I took a glance at the kitchen table and saw many bottles of pills! I was then glad she did put the glove.
Maybe she has changed over the years but I doubt it. I didn't see any reviews on her for a long time and I remeber that everybody was agrying back then, a that tread that she was to avoid.