@Johnjoebowler , you will always, twist the truth to suit yer bullshit narrative on here, why, because to you this is a big part of your sad pathetic life.johnjo
There is no way, anyone would twist, turn, make up, deny, the way you do on here, no way.
I can post what you've said on here, and you'll make up an excuse for saying it, or you meant something else, or it was taken out of context, blah blah blah.
Your a sick twisted fuck in so many ways, the kind of human being you are, actually I take that back yer fucking subhuman, lowest form of life a single celled organism, the shit i scrape off my shoe.
I know, you were the punk in school, the nothing that everyone shat on, it's evident from your behavior on here. Here you are later in life, divorced, living on your own paranoid that a couple of guys on a sex site are gonna rattle yer cage. So much so that you panicked and threatened to call the cops! On a couple of fictional names? Maybe learn to shut the fuck up and not threaten people randomly when yer a little pussy, what a concept huh johnny.
Because of the stupid decisions you made, this is the life you lead pussy boy. Good luck with that cause yer gonna need all the help you can get.
MP can't save yer sorry ass, yall made the bed,, sleep in it you toddler.

where yer crown proudly goof