Known Skeptic
Literally, several means 3 or more. Sorry, dude. The number goes up to a conext-dependent point.Several literally means 2 or 3. That’s very moderate. CDC says dudes can drink twice a day & be considered moderate drinkers. That is not alcoholism.And seeing a girl once a week is also not an addiction. About Moderate Alcohol Use
There's such think as the 1st stage of alcoholism. You can google the shit out of it.
2 or 3 beers a week is likely not alcoholism, true that. But if 2 or 3 beers is all you can think about for the whole week, you may wanna ask yourself a few questions.
Seing a girl once a week is not an addiction. Seeing a girl at a spa to whom you pay ~$100 and up, even once a week, if you're not financially sound, is.