Hi Drew,
Glad to see that you are coming out after your long hibernation. I see that your child would be somewhere around 6 yrs old. Pretty early. I got released from jail after my child turned 10. lol.
With regards to your question, you were asking about the barber houses. They are called barber houses but they do not cut hair. Just straight whorehouses. They sort of went underground after pressure from the cops. There are still around but not so boldly marketing their wares. Usually there are a lot of pushers/mummys on the main street. The one where most of the hotels, like Lucky, Lion, etc. are located. These mummys will pass you their cards and will take you to their places where you can go for a quickie for anywhere from RMB 150-250. Overnight can range from RMB 400-500 for 24 hrs. Only if the mummy is legit, of course. If you are unlkucky, she would bring you to a dark alley where a few guys would stick you up. Happens a lot especially in the beginning of the year until after Chinese New Year. They need money to send back during CNY. Best thing is to get a hold of a local driver who can bring you to a safe place and watch over you. I have a driver called mustache guy, "wu sou lou" in cantonese, "Hu Su Lao" in mandarin, that I call and use in CP. His phone number is 13809644492. I would call him beforehand and pick up from airport as well.
What I would do, is ask the driver to bring you to a place for a quickie or overnight. I would give him RMB50 a person. If there are 3 of you, I would give him tips of 150. Up to you but cheap for safety. His job would be be there waiting for me until I am finished. He will ensure that there would not be any guys waiting to rob us. When I get there, talk to the mummy about the price to bring them home. I wouldnt fuck there. It is very dirty. Only good for local laborers.
Be very firm on
a.the price and the service provided. Dont be shy. Do not want to be in the hotel room later on and the girl started saying 100RMB more for BJ, etc.
b.the time allotted. You want to be specific on how long you want to keep the girl. Dont want to be in a situation where the girl wanting to go home because she has a relative who came to town, etc. All kinds of fucking reasons.
c.get the bus card of mummy and driver. If anything wrong, call mummy immediately along with driver. Thats why its important to pay driver. He will protect you incase something goes wrong. Make him happy whilst you get the protection of a local.
Lucky Hotel is still there. Bit run down. Been there once few years ago. Didnt like it. Lion is still the best for young girls. There are a lot of other hotels which are better. New Century is no longer a 5 star hotel. Room rate is still the same. Unchanged for so many years. I don't like to stay there because I could not just walk out of the hotel and do shopping or go to restaurants down the road. Everything is so far away. Only restaurant around is the chinese one located in the hotel first floor or the western shit restaurant on the 2nd floor. I would stay at Lion or Virgin Hotel. Cheap and located on main street. If you like, just email me at
zhugege520@gmail.com for more specific information.
Hope that answers some of your questions. Have lots of fun. Email me. Post some pics on facebook for me and the bros.
JJ Zhugege