Yeah. I don’t see how they are able to pay the rent TBH. Unless it’s a front for something else. Which it probably is. The girls are sub par with heavily photoshopped pics and are allowed to charge whatever they want. There has to be a breaking point eventually. Right?
I remember going to the HFH Brampton location right after seduction bought them out. One chick told me she was charging $200 for CBJ/FS and she actually had regulars. She was ugly too. Forgot her name. She was at seduction for a while. Had fake tits and a bad lip job. Some guys thought she looked scary.
. She left shortly after. Guess she didn’t like the $120 max. Ppl still go to their wolfdale location. Don’t know why some guys pay so much for so little but it’s their money. Let em do whatever.
Will be nice to have a much better option. Hopefully soon.