been reading a lot lately about tipping.seems when a menu is offered,rates are be honest,to dish out 50-60 for a nude hj is rather generous.personaly i don;t think that that is worth it unless you feel that it is warrented.i much prefer where there is no menu.the ones with the menu are usaully out just for the bucks.if you;re willing to doll out that kind of coin for that,what you gonna give for bj,cbj or fs?perhaps i'm benifitting a great deal for services i've received and won't tolerate anyone trying to up the pot.i tip what i feel is right for the occasion and no one even flinches at what i leave.if they do,i won;t return.learn to be more assertive and voice your opinions to your masseuse,haggle.if they don;t compromise,screw them and don't go back and post that they are just money time the business will slack off and places will have to be more competitive if they want to remain open.there are a ton of places that deserve to be closed and others that deserve more strong,be bold,don't wimp out.they see you got balls,use em.