Spa Shan in Ile Perrot 514 804 2378
The hour should begin after the first shower. The client paid for an hour with the MT. He did not rent a room for one hour. Though on occasion time constraints make this difficult. Hence the reason why when taking appointments the receptionist should allow for 15 minutes between appt. There's no law that every appt. should start on the hour of half hour. It may start at 1:15 and end at 2:20 with the next appt. being taken for 2:30 for the same MT. This method gives the girl a small break, time to clear the room and avoid an overlap in clients entering and leaving at the same time. I know that many clients prefer not to be seen entering or leaving a MP, though for the life of me I can't understand why?
Though not always practical, a receptionist should be on the premises. For many reasons that I will list;
1) receiving clients with appt. for the girls
2) receiving walk ins (which is beneficial for all, especially new girls who don't have a clientele as of yet and will help with boosting business)
3) should there be a problem with a client she can intervene when all the MTs are busy
4) it allows the MT to prepare the room and herself for her next client without having to answer the door.
5) she can accompany a client waiting for his appt if he should arrive early or if the previous client is delaying the MT.
6) she can help clean the room if the MT has back to back appt.
6) she can keep an eye on the laundry
7) receive take in orders the MT's have made in hopes of finding time to eat.
8) place clients in their respective rooms and also manage the traffic between the shower and their rooms.
9) keep the entrance and public areas clean
10) advise the MT that there is another client in the waiting area should all the rooms be taken (again managing the traffic)
And these are the points off the top of my head. There are many other tasks a receptionist could relieve the MTs of. All of these tasks help make the clients experience much more interesting and easier. And would help take a lot of pressure off the MTs having someone taking care of the clients so that they can do their work without concerns about what is going on outside the room.