Only Jimmy Dummy would have the balls to defend a piece of shiiiitttt like Drunk T...p.
I still waiting for a return of the 2300 Millions him and his cronnies got from 4 years of tax ''Exemptions"
Only "karens " and dummys find it in their hart to defend someone who attempted to overthrow their government, Only this dumb fuck could not get the army to back him up BC he is "so respected" LOL
In another country he would have been shot on the day of the attempt. but "mericans" don't have the balls to prosecute this 26 times rapists
Isn’t “2300 millions” 2.3 billion? What does “hart”mean, and what does it have to do with “karens and dummies”?
Who attempted to overthrow the government?
It better be good, you dumb cunt. Can’t wait to hear your answer. Lol
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