Well-Known Member
We are all human being and we all are capable of falling in love with anyone, especially when you come across a lonely, vulnerable ones. You won't believe how many very lonely sex workers are out there. I have seen it all and I myself have fallen for one or two a few yrs back .
Now whenever I come across a lonely vulnerable one, I always warn them we can have fun, but don't fall in love and I will leave if I sense there is love between us. I just told them I don't want to see anyone get hurt. If you haven't come across one, probably you aren't good enough for them like sexpuppy said on #4 in his post.
here are some texts from a mpa from MKham Oasis who had fallen in love with me. And those who said they are all about money, she loaned me $330,000 for a few months while I was struggling with some cash flow in my business.
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I might also add, some of these women are really bad with money management; as I knew one who also lended $ to her friend in the business and of course that almost always doesn't end up (although in her case I've no idea if she ever got her money back since I've lost contact with her). And I remember being told by a SP that her owner/keeper was a terrible gambling addict that so for some of them it's easy money that unfortunately goes even easier.